
Shujia Wang

Associate Professor

College of Economics, Shenzhen University

I am the director of the Institute of Statistics in College of Economics at Shenzhen University. My research interests are mainly in Bayesian Statistical Modeling, Quantitative Finance,and Structural Equation Modeling. I have rich practical experience in guiding government departments and enterprises to carry out surveys on statistical data analysis, and various economic and social issues. I have presided over three projects at the provincial and ministerial level or above, and hosted or participated in more than a dozen other vertical and horizontal research projects.


  • Data science / statistics
  • Quantitative Finance
  • Bayesian Modeling
  • R, Python and RStan
  • Education


  • PhD in Statistics, 1995

    The Chinese University of Hong Kong

  • MSc in Statistics, 1988

    Southeast University, China

  • BSc in Mathematics, 1985

    Peking Universisty, China



  • Wang, S.J. and Lee, S.Y. A geometric approach of the generalized least squares estimation in analysis of covariance structures. Statistics and Probability Letters, 1995, 24, 39-47.
  • Lee, S.Y. and Wang, S.J. Sensitivity analysis of structural equation models. Psychometrika, 1996, Vol. 61, No.1, 93-108.
  • Wang, S.J. and Lee, S.Y. Sensitivity analysis of structural equation models with equality functional constraints. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis. 1996, 23, 239-256.
  • Poon, W.Y., Wang, S.J. and Lee, S.J. Sensitivity analysis of structural equation models with polytomous variables. Psychometrika. 1999, Vol. 64, No. 4, 461-473.
  • Poon, W.Y., Tang, M.L. and Wang S.J. Influence Measures in Contingency Table with Application in Sampling Zeros. Journal of Sociological Methods & Research, Vol 31, No. 4, 2003, 439-452.
  • Wang Shujia and Ding Fan. Estimation and asymptotic properties of two-level structural equation model. Journal of Shenzhen University, 1997, 14 (1), 55-62.
  • Wang Shujia. Information loss of structural equation models. Journal of Shenzhen University, 1997, 14 (2~3), 8-12.
  • Wei Bocheng and Wang Shujia, Dual geometric method for quasi-likelihood estimation in covariance structural analysis. Chinese Annals of Mathematics, 23A: 4, 2002, 439-446.
  • Zhang, H.S, Wang, S.J., Rao, W., and Song H.T., Development of magnetic homogeneous enzyme-linked immunoanalyzer. Analytical Instrument, No.4, 2003.
  • Han Biao, Wang Shujia, Wang Ying, Wang Jiang. Exploration of car demand scale in shenzhen. Special Zone Economy, No.1, 2005.
  • Wang Shujia and Han Jingtao. Tax theory judgment on economic development and industrial structure of shenzhen. Special Zone Economy, No.10, 2006.
  • Wang Shujia, Chen Junfeng, Li Sha. Development advantages, challenges and countermeasures of knowledge-based service industry in Guangdong province. Times of Economics, Beijing: Social Sciences Academic Press, 2007.
  • Wang S.J. Shen, Z.H. and Gong, X. Measurement and comparison standard of urban taxi demand. Special Zone Economy, No.7, 2009.


  • Wang Shujia, Du Ting, and Yang Guanghui. Business Decision making: Modeling and Information Technology(In Chinese), Peking University Press, 2013.

More publications (together with those in Chinese) please refer to my google scholar citations.


  • “Structural equation modeling for abnormal data”, National Ministry of Education, scientific research foundation for returnees, 1998.
  • “shenzhen retail customer satisfaction evaluation”, Shenzhen quality and technical supervision bureau, quality assurance center, 2002.
  • “Shenzhen (industrial) macro quality index”, Technical director of the research group, Shenzhen quality and technical supervision bureau, quality assurance center, 2003.
  • “Policy research on entrepreneurship environment of Shenzhen overseas returnees” (main member) by Shenzhen science and technology bureau, and won the third prize of excellent achievements in philosophy and social sciences of Guangdong province, 2004. Shenzhen quality and technical supervision bureau, quality assurance center,
  • “Development strategy research of knowledge-based service industry in Guangdong province”, Soft science research project in Minjian Guangdong Province, 2005.
  • “Tax research on Shenzhen's economic development and industrial structure adjustment”, project of Shenzhen Municipal Party Committee and Government, 2006.
  • “Government decision-making strategy of taxi policy”, Shenzhen quality assurance center, 2007.
  • “Pearl river delta industry specialization and differentiation strategy”, Guangdong provincial committee of civil construction commission project, 2009.


To be good at work, you must first sharpen it







Bayesian Methods




